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Frequently Asked Questions From Buyers

What are My Closing Costs? Potential closing costs include a title search, attorney fee, title insurance binder, title insurance premium, homeowner association fees and bank fees. Contact us at 843-361-2600 or email us at to obtain a fast free comprehensive quote now!

What is Title Insurance? Title Insurance reduces your risk of problems after closing due to potential clouds on title that were not detected during your title search or were not known at the time of closing. Examples include forgeries, improper probate of the estate of a previous owner, or mortgages against your seller that are paid off at closing but not later marked as satisfied in the county land records. The premium is a one-time fee collected at closing and your owner’s policy protects you while you own the property and after you sell it. If you are obtaining a mortgage for your purchase your lender will require you to insure their interest with a loan policy of title insurance, whereas an owner’s policy is optional. However, the vast majority of purchasers insure title to their most valuable asset and the premium is nominal compared to the value of the real estate and your peace of mind.

How do I get Keys to my New Property? Real estate agents handle the transfer of keys to property. The attorney generally does not participate in the handling of keys but we are happy to assist you in retrieving them if needed.